For many in the humanities, the monograph -- whether published traditionally or as an open access title -- is the single most important deliverable. Some concerns are readily understood, but some might ask what has really changed in the production and delivery of a monograph. There is a wider array of formats but is the production workflow dramatically different now? Has the dust settled with regard to licensing arrangements? What about discovery and resource-sharing? This full day program offered an opportunity for professionals working in the humanities to come together to discuss this most critical form of output.
Launched in 2001, the Humanities Roundtable (originally hosted by NFAIS and now by NISO) provides a unique opportunity for content providers, platform aggregators and others to come together to discuss the specific needs and requirements of those working in the humanities today.
Confirmed speakers include: Lisa M. Bayer, AUPresses President (2021-22) and Director of the University of Georgia Press; Rebecca Brasington Clark, Director of Publishing, Library of Congress; Lettie Y. Conrad, LYC Consulting; Lorraine Estelle, Executive Director, COUNTER; Paula Krebs, Executive Director, Modern Language Association; Liz Krznarich, Adoption Manager, DataCite; Charles Watkinson, Associate University Librarian for Publishing, University of Michigan; and B. M. Watson, PhD. Student @ UBC iSchool.