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AI and machine learning - less theory, more practice-NISO Plus
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems have been heavily discussed, but what is actually being done using them? These speakers will present a variety of practical applications for AI/ML in the information ecosystem, and then open the floor to discussion about future needs in the AI/ML space.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems have been heavily discussed, but what is actually being done using them? These speakers will present a variety of practical applications for AI/ML in the information ecosystem, and then open the floor to discussion about future needs in the AI/ML space.
The NISO Plus conference brings people together from across the global information community to share updates and participate in conversations about our shared challenges and opportunities. The focus is on identifying concrete next steps to improve information flow and interoperability, and help solve existing and potential future problems. Please join us to help address the key issues facing our community of librarians, publishers, researchers, and more — today and tomorrow!
Andromeda Yelton ( is a software engineer and librarian investigating humanistic applications of machine learning, and an adjunct faculty member at the San Jose State University School of Information. Currently she’s on contract with the Library of Congress, applying machine learning and data visualization to discovery. In the past she has written code for the Berkman Klein Center, the MIT Libraries, the Wikimedia Foundation, and bespoke knitting patterns, among other things. Previously, she was a jack of all trades at the open-licensed-ebook startup; taught Latin to middle school boys; and was a member of the Ada Initiative advisory board. She has a BS in Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College, an MA in Classics from Tufts, and an MLS from Simmons. She has been a 2011 ALA Emerging Leader, President of the Library & Information Technology Association, and a listener contestant on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me.
(Andromeda’s headshot should be credited to Molly Tomlinson/
Barry Bealer is currently the Chief Revenue Officer of Access Innovations, makers of the Data Harmony Suite and Data Harmony Hub. As an entrepreneurial leader in the software and information industry, he enjoys building and managing teams to execute sound business strategies. Barry has held executive positions at both global enterprises and software startups including co-founding the first enterprise XML content management system software company. For over 30-years he has brought structure and process to business practices to execute more efficiently and profitably. Barry is a frequent speaker and moderator at industry events and has been involved as a board or committee member of the Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA), the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), and the W3C Accessibility Education and Outreach Working Group. He holds an MBA with a concentration in Information Systems from St. Joseph’s University and a Bachelor of Science in Communications from Millersville University.
Prof. Ruixue, chief scientist of the the Big Data and Knowledge Services Innovation Team at CAAS, has more than 20 years of experience in digital library, knowledge organization, knowledge service, and Scientific data Management of Agriculture, spearheading projects like major project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Key Technology R&D program, basic project of Ministry of Science and Technology, and special project of National Science and Technology Library (NSTL), etc. She also serves as Director of Library and Information Branch of Chinese Society of Agronomy, deputy director of Chinese National Data Center for Agricultural Sciences, committee member of Science and Technology Libraries (STL) in IFLA, and member of the Chinese National Library Standardization Technical Committee.