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Fall 2022 ODI Conformance Statement Workshop for Content Providers

Calling all Content Providers! Are you interested in showing support for the Open Discovery Initiative but find the conformance statement requirements confusing or intimidating? Are you concerned about how your organization will be perceived if you submit an imperfect statement? Then come to our workshop where we breakdown the requirements into manageable thematic sections, discuss why perfect is the enemy of the good, and generally commiserate with others who are in the same boat. The featured presenter in this event is Rachel Kessler, Senior Product Manager, Clarivate Analytics.
27 Videos

Each year, NISO hosts a number of other virtual events, most of which are free and open to all. These include our annual members meeting, updates on NISO standards, online workshops, and more. Recordings are made openly available to the community as soon as possible after the event.
3 Videos
Rachel Kessler

Product Manager, Academic & Government

Rachel Kessler is a product manager in the Academia & Government division of Clarivate, where she determines the strategic direction of ProQuest Information Solutions’ Social Science Aggregation portfolio. Prior to being employed by ProQuest and then Clarivate, she worked for Ex Libris on their discovery services and link resolvers. She co-chairs the NISO Open Discovery Initiative and serves as a Review Editor for the journal, Learned Publishing. She has a BA in Economics from Columbia University and an MBA from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.