Since 2015, Ginny has been developing the member and community outreach team at Crossref encompassing outreach and education, user experience and support, and metadata strategy. She is the Instigator of the Metadata 2020 collaboration to advocate for richer, connected, reusable and open metadata, and serves on a number of related committees and Boards. Before joining Crossref, she ran Ardent for a decade, where she consulted within scholarly communications on multichannel communications strategies, branding and launching online products, and building engaged communities. And before that, she previously led Elsevier's launch of Scopus. Ginny’s lived and worked in many parts of the world, has managed globally dispersed teams, and now lives in London and is currently homeschooling and taking care of a small baby with an ear infection!
Rebecca Ross is the Senior Director of Strategy and Engagement at the Canadian Research Knowledge Network. Prior to joining CRKN, Rebecca led the marketing department at Canadian Science Publishing, Canada’s largest not-for-profit science publisher. Rebecca’s works at the intersection of academic publishing and academic librarianship with the goal of expanding access to research content for all. Rebecca received her library degree from the University of Ottawa and publishing degree from Humber College.